5 June, 2014, Belgrade, National Assembly of Serbia

CEDEF and Serbian Chamber of Commerce VI Public Debate


Within the European Sustainable Energy Month and World Environment Day on 5 June, Central European Development Forum CEDEF organized the VI Public Debate TREATMENT OF HAZARDOUS AND SPECIAL WASTE STREAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, under the institutional auspices of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, the Agency for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia and the Secretariat for Environment of the city of Belgrade. The sixth public debate was held on 5 June 2014, in the premises of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. During the public debate CEDEF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Agency for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. "By signing the Memorandum, we have formalized a good and continued cooperation we have with CEDEF in the field of environmental protection, in order to implement global and EU regulations and standards to preserve the environment, as well as educating the public about this important issue", underlined the signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding Filip Radović, director of the Agency for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. Chairman of the Board CEDEF Jovanka Arsić Karišić signed the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of CEDEF.

At the event, the making of a pre-feasibility study about the project "Promotion of renewable energy – development of the biomass market in Serbia” - switching to biomass by 15 heating plants in Serbia was highlighted. Advanced technology in the field of heating systems that allows multiple savings were presented as well. This event points out once more the importance and legal obligation that all households need to be heated by district heating and that in the beginning of 2015 all households should have calorimeters.

The program of the Public Debate can be downloaded here.

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