Henkel Ceresit
Around the world, Henkel Ceresit brand is synonymous with quality construction work performed. Such status is not random - for these are largely responsible impeccable tradition of over 100 years and continually investing in the most modern innovative solutions. As a result, Ceresit in the range has its own solution to every need when it comes to exterior and interior construction works. For builders and ceramics, artisans and enthusiasts, there are systems for ceramic tile, waterproofing, thermal insulation, floor laying, as well as a wide selection of polyurethane foam and silicone. One of the most innovative façade system is certainly the system colors of nature, which offers an amazing selection of color in shades of water, sand, soil or vegetation. Ceresit plaster and exterior paint containing the famous BIOPROTECT formula, capable of providing more effective protection against biological contamination, are significantly more durable and are not harmful to the environment. For high-quality thermal insulation, there is a system Ceretherm, whose installation can save up to 40 percent of the energy, which is why such an investment worth over a period of three to seven years.
Holcim (Serbia) Ltd. since 2002 is part of the Swiss Holcim Group, one of the world's largest producer of cement and aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and sand) as well as ready-mix concrete and asphalt, which operates in about 70 countries on all continents. Our vision is to lay the foundations for future generations. Our mission is to be the most respected and attractive company in the cement industry, constantly creating optimal value for all stakeholders. Holcim cement plant is located in central Serbia, in the village of Popovac near Paracin, 160 km south of Belgrade. The annual capacity of the cement plant are 1 350 000 tons of cement and mortar.
Holcim (Serbia) Ltd. In 2006, it expanded its operations to the Belgrade market, opening the concrete factory Beograd - East Krnjaca, and we are also present in the aggregates market since 2009 with the company Holcim Aggregates Inc.
Holcim (Serbia) Ltd. has about 330 employees, and so far the total investment in the period from 2002 is more than 100 million E. Holcim Serbia is a member of the Business Leaders Forum, the American Chamber of Commerce and the local office of the UN Global Compact.
Holcim Serbia has invested in projects of corporate social responsibility in 2010, almost 180,000 euros.
Global Intercontinental Utilities
Company Global Intercontinental Utilities BGD Ltd., as a member of the holding in the wholly owned British company Global Financial Holdings LTD. More than 40 years on the global renewable energy market, it was enough to bring more than 130 installations in more than 30 countries around the world, which in its primary aim to convert various types of waste into electricity and heat. In a market where performance integrated solution provides waste treatment, both newly generated and existing.
Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Serbian Chamber of Commerce is an independent, modern and responsible non-state institution, it is the national association of Serbian business which has tradition, experience, knowledge and expertise at the service of the best interests of its members and the Serbian economy. Creating recognition of Serbia as the country's market economy, investment opportunities, open borders, ready to competitively join the European mainstream is our essential commitment.
Life and traditions of the Serbian chamber system and developed ventricular network that includes sixteen regional and two provincial chambers, chamber center and nine representative offices abroad, guarantee the effective implementation of support mechanisms for the economy and businesses through its industry.
In the area of energy-efficient construction, the use of renewable energy and water management, as well as in the segment of "Mobility & Future Living" REHAU has provided a sustainable contribution to environmental and economic challenges of tomorrow.
Competence and openness to innovation have made REHAU become the leading supplier of system solutions based on polymers and service providers in the field of construction, automotive and industry. Thanks to the combination of a highly efficient development and highly decentralized sales and service provider, an international group to market ranks among the top suppliers. The high degree of professionalism from material development to production, as well as a passion for the unlimited potential application of polymeric materials is a prerequisite to the leading premium brand to be successful around the world.