European Sustainable Energy Week
27 June, 2014, Belgrade
CEDEF Conference
WATER USE IN ENERGY AND INDUSTRY - Integrated Water Resource Management
Within the European Sustainable Energy Week CEDEF organized a conference with the aim to highlight the importance of integrated water resource management in Serbia. The Conference WATER USE IN ENERGY AND INDUSTRY - Integrated water resources management was organized under the institutional auspices of the Agency for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, Institute "Jaroslav Cherni", PUC Srbijavode and the Energy Administration of the Secretariat for Utilities and Housing Services of the City of Belgrade. Serbia is at the bottom of the list of European countries in terms of utility infrastructure. Recently, numerous floods struck Serbia, which will have a major impact on the economic growth in Serbia. Therefore, sustainable development and the related issues of responsible water management, monitoring, adequate operations and existing legislation in this area, became a huge priority in Serbia.
The program of the Conference can be downloaded here.